Wednesday 20 August 2014

3 Reasons Why a Guy Should Pay On The First Date

Casual Sex London Dating Tips and Advice

One of the biggest debates in the London dating scene is if men should pay for the first date. Even when into the casual sex London dating scene, you will still likely go on a date or two before getting to the sex.

So, when you go on these dates, do you pay or do you expect the woman to pay? Though this is certainly something that is discussed when getting into casual sex in London, you will probably just want to suck it up and pay for the first date. Why?

Here are three reasons:

It Shows Her That You Are a Good Person

Even though you might be in a casual relationship, it is still important that you show a woman that you are a good person. Paying for your first date is a great way to do this. Why is it so important that you show her that you are a good person? Well, you want to show her your good side in order to get her interested. Men will decide if they want to sleep with a woman based on how they look in most cases, but women need to be coaxed with other things, such as being with a man who is a good person. She will take into account your personality, your flirting skills and how you treat her. If she sees that you are a good person, you will have a much better chance at getting sex from her.

It Gives Her a Great First Impression

Some guys will go into a first date and think they are going to get sex that night. Unfortunately, that is not always the case. In fact, many times, even when getting into a casual relationship, women won't want to have sex until the second meeting. However, you can have a better chance at getting sex on the first date by giving her a good first impression. You will also show her that you are a gentleman, that you are responsible and that you care about pleasing her. She will definitely take this all into consideration when it comes time for her to decide if she will join you in the bedroom or not.

She Will Expect You to Pay

According to a number of sources, including dating professionals, approximately 85% of all men believe that a man should pay for the first date. This number is similar for women who believe that men will pay for the first date. Now that you know this, you can easily see that it is expected for the man to pick up the tab. Keep in mind as well that both men and women agree that the woman should at least offer to pay something, even though a man should not allow her too. Furthermore, she should buy drinks after the date, or something similar. So yes, men are expected to pay when on a first date but this doesn't excuse women from being financially giving on the first date either. After the first date is over, if a woman offers to pay, you should allow her to.

Dating can be tricky, even when you are dating in a casual way. One of the trickiest things to realise when dating is who pays on the first date. Hopefully the above information will help you see that in almost all cases, a guy should offer to pay. If she insists on paying? You try even harder and if you have to, find your server or waiter and tell them only you should get the final tab. This way, you will show her that you are serious about paying and if she wants, she can pay for something else.

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